Daily Routine w/ Banish
11:39 AM
All products: Banish Acne Scars
Olá pessoal! :)
Desde do inicio deste mês que tenho este projeto para falar-vos e estava ansioso por vos mostrar uma das rotinas que tenho vindo adotar nas últimas semanas. Em parceria com a Banish, decidimos programar um pequeno tutorial de como faço o meu tratamento e indicar-vos a melhor forma de o fazer com os seus produtos. :)Hello guys! :)
Since the beginning of this month I have this project in mind to speak to all of you. I was really anxious to show you one of the routines that I have been adopting in the last few weeks. So, in partnership with Banish, we decided to schedule a quick tutorial on how do I do my treatment and tell you the best way to do it. :)
All products: Banish Acne Scars
Todos os produtos são vendidos individualmente no site, ou em pacotes. Podem encontra tudo disponivel no site da marca: www.banishacnescars.com
Para começar, os primeiros produtos que uso são o Spray Vitamine C juntamente com a excelente mascara Activated Charcoal Clay Masque . Podem também optar por usar o "Pumpkin Enzime" em vez do Charcoal Masque. :)
All products are sold individually on the site, or in packages. You can find everything available on the brand website: www.banishacnescars.com
To begin this review, the first products I use are the Vitamine C Spray along with the excellent Masked Activated Charcoal Clay Masque.
You can may also choose to use the "Pumpkin Enzime" instead of the Charcoal Masque. :)
[1] Vitamine C + Charcoal Masque
All products: Banish Acne Scars
After applying the mask, wait 5-7min to let it dry, wash the face with warm water and then I usually use Banish Roler in my face. It works perfectly!!!
[2] Wash Face + Banish Roler
All products: Banish Acne Scars
Then, comes the part that I think that is the most important that joins two of my favorite products. In this following treatment I like to use Banish Oil that puts the face more Westernized. To do this simply put 3 drops in the hand and go through the face
[3] Banish Oil - 3 drops
All products: Banish Acne Scars
In order to finish it, I like to use the Spray of vitamin C and with the help of the Banisher go through the whole face.
[4] Spray Vitamine C + Banisher
All products: Banish Acne Scars
Depois de algumas vezes a utilizar, apesar de não ter bastantes marcas na cara, senti uma grande diferença na suavidade e impurezas na pele. Assim que tiver mais novidades trago aqui ao blog e conto-vos tudo nas redes sociais.
Espero que tenham gostado do post de hoje, que foi um pouco diferente do habitual, abraços e até À próxima. :)
After a few times using this fantastic product, although I do not have enough marks on the face, I felt a great
difference in the softness and impurities in my skin. Just loved it. As soon as I have more news I'll bring it to the blog and tell you everything on social networks.
I hope you enjoyed the today's post, which was a bit different than usual, hugs and see you next time. :)
I hope you enjoyed the today's post, which was a bit different than usual, hugs and see you next time. :)
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